The online ramblings of a 30-something American.

Wednesday, November 02, 2005

The Chronicles of an Ex-Smoker Begin

So, I'm sitting here at work pondering things again. I'm in a constant state of pondering...maybe that's why Ali's always asking me 'What?'. Anyway...

I quit smoking this week as a part of my fighting back at the stack of cards life has dealt me. And tbh, it's made me a little loopy. And crazy. I have yet to really go off on anyone, but I know the pain of quitting smoking quite well. I've done it before, you see. I suppose the catch is, you don't go back to smoking.

The past two times I did that, obviously.

So, I just sit here, pondering whether to pop a prescription Vicodin in my delirium, give into the precious nicotine lozenges in my lunch bag, or just sit here and get worse and worse until I can't stand it anymore, then do both and then some.

All I know is, I won't give into the madness burning my mind of wanting another cigarette. I will not. My poor singing voice is coming back, I'm not getting winded when I wobble up a flight of stairs like I used to, and I feel overall much better without them. I keep my mind on the person at the end of the tunnel when this psychological and physical withdrawal is all, for the most part, over with.

Oh yeah, that's another thing. I'm at work right now, why in the hell am I writing this blog? I mean, yeah, I'm doing an upload atm at 3.5kbps so it's taking a minute, but I guess that's beside the point. Better go back to my quiet little corner of the corporate world........

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About Me

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Read my blog. Ok, ok. 33 years old, twice divorced, one kid from a previous marriage, and one cat that drives me up the wall. I'm currently working my way through college, where I plan to get my BA in Music Business, and then my Master's in Composition after. I have been a musician as long as I can remember, but my parents did their best to stop me from becoming a professional musician. Oh, and I have yet to meet a woman that isn't a flaky bitch.