The online ramblings of a 30-something American.

Monday, April 24, 2006


I hate noobs at work. The procedure for training them has classically (due to reasons beyond anyone's control) NOT changed.

They sit behind you, constantly, watching your every move. You can't even so much as occassionally joke with your boss over IM. Don't act like you don't know what I'm talking about. :P

This one particular noob my boss is going to find out is quite the pushy type. He's been all over me and the other techs on my team for a 'shot' at learning by doing. Which is fine, for the most part, the nature of our work also dictates that one can only learn the real 'meat' of the job by doing. Telling them how to do it never serves half as well as actual experience.

There's a little problem with that, aside from our network being very secure, and our computers being our own. We, on the team, don't have time to let them screw around on our computers for hours. Used to be, we'd send them to someone else's box and they'de do it there. That's what I did. But we don't have stray computers floating around right now. So the situation is moving into a level of uncomfortableness for both us and the noobs that's about to make me want to yank every hair out of my head. There isn't much that management can do, so I don't blame them.

But back to this one noob. He's very pushy (and probably a little paranoid), basically wants someone to 'give' him his/her computer, and doesn't quite grasp the hint that we also have a job to do. I think in the end (once IT give them their own boxes), things will be fine, but I have been unable to stay relaxed and unstressed at work as a result of all this. If I can just get my blood pressure back down, things will be okay.

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About Me

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Read my blog. Ok, ok. 33 years old, twice divorced, one kid from a previous marriage, and one cat that drives me up the wall. I'm currently working my way through college, where I plan to get my BA in Music Business, and then my Master's in Composition after. I have been a musician as long as I can remember, but my parents did their best to stop me from becoming a professional musician. Oh, and I have yet to meet a woman that isn't a flaky bitch.